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Deadline : January 10


Pitch your material to famous artists, find opening acts, featurings, find a successful manager for your project ++


Check the names in the directory


Gaga Lady (En)

Garou (Fr)

Gainsbourg Charl.(En)

Georgio (Fr)

Gim's Maitre (Fr) 

Gipsy Kings (Sp)

Gojira (En)


Gorillaz (En)

Gomez Selena (En)

Gray Macy (En)

Grande Ariana (En)

Green Ceelo (En)

Groban Josh (En)

Gueko Seth (Fr)

Gwenn Stefani (En)

Garnier Pierre (Fr)


Hart Beth (En)

Harris Calvin (En)

Hassani Bilal (Fr)

Hatik (Fr)

Heuss L'Enfoiré (Fr)

Hill Lauryn (En)

Hoshi (Fr)

Hozier (En)


Ice Cube (En)

Ice-T (En)

Idol Billy (En)

Iglesias Enrique  (En)

Imany (Fr)

Imbruglia Natalie (En)

Indila  (Fr)

Isaak Chris (En)


Jain (Fr)

Jamiroquai (En)

Janet Jackson (En)

Jay Z (En)

Jenifer (Fr)

Jessie J (En)

Jett Joan (En)

Jewel (En)

Joel Billy (En)

John Elton (En)

Jordana Camelia (Fr)

Joyce Jonathan​ (Fr)

Jon Lil (Fr)

Jones Keziah (En)

Jones Norah (En)

Jones Tom (En)

Josman  (Fr)

Justice (En)


Kaaris (Fr)

Patricia Kaas (Fr)

Kalash Criminel (Fr)

Marina Kaye (En)

Keating Ronan (En)

Keblack  (Fr)

Khaled (Fr, Ar)

Keita Salif (World)

Kekra (Fr)

Keny Arkana (Fr)

Kesha (En)

Keys Alicia (En)

Kid Cudi (En)


Laam (Fr)

Lacrim (Fr)

La Fouine (Fr)

Lady Gaga (En)

Lamar Kendrick (En)

Lana Del Rey (En)

Lang Jonny (En)

Lartiste (Fr)

Lauper Cyndi (En)

Lavigne (Avril En)

Lavoine Marc (Fr)

Laylow  (Fr)

Lefa  (Fr)

Legend John (En)

Lennox Annie (En)

Leroy Nolwenn (Fr)

Levine Adam (En)

Lewis Leona (En)

LL Cool J (En)

Lomepal (Fr)

Lopez Jennifer (En)

Lorde (En)

Louane (Fr)

Lovato Demi (En)

Lucenzo (Fr)

Luciani Clara (Fr)

Ludacris (En)


  • Find managers already active with artists in the same genre, to represent you, and to properly introduce you to labels and majors.

  • Find opportunities : opening acts and featurings.

  • Build your own connections in the music business.

  • Save time by talking to the right people directly.


  • Submit your material to famous artists whenever you feel like it is relevant for you. 

  • Save time by talking to the right people directly.


  • Submit your material to any artists whenever you feel like it is relevant for you.

  • Multiply  opportunities to pitch my material.

  • Stay on the radars of the artists who are in your genre and style.

  • Inform the relevant artist managers that you are available to work on any specific material for their artists. 

  • Make yourself a name and build your own connections in the music business.

  • Save time by talking to the right people directly.


  • Find managers already active with artists in the same genre, to represent you, and to properly introduce you to labels and majors.

  • Find opportunities : opening acts and featurings.

  • Build your own connections in the music business.

  • Save time by talking to the right people directly.


  • Feed your recording studio with new projects by prospecting famous artists through their managers.

  • Add great value to your revenue, your brand and your name by prospecting famous artist projects.

  • Save time by talking to the right people directly.


So they say...

...talking to a manager is like whispering in the artist's ear!


There is no such thing as unknown talents unless they hide... !


"... Bproviding this professional publisher's directory, you guys are opening the music business back doors, bringing transparency, and helping the artists, the songwriters and the producers  communities. Thanks for that! Pitch Music Center is clearly leading the path to a change, just like Beatstars or Spotify..." - Harry B. Nashville.

"At some point, I found myself spending way more time marketing my music than I was  songwriting and performing. I knew something was not right; I had to work smarter. This artist manager's directory is unique... This is the kind of tool that can really change the name of the game for beatmakers, because using it means standing in the middle of the game..." - Enrico D., Italy


"As an artist entrepreneur, there is so much to do, so many reasons to get lost in multiple tasks... you have to shortcut the B/S.  Sure, networking and marketing are crucial, but what's the point if, by the end of the day, you did not perform or create... what matters the most is your music. When it comes the time to focus and organize, that directory is my secret weapon..." - Ruben L., Germany

Try for free - Suscribe today !

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  • So, once I access the Artist Managers Directory, I can send my material directly without restriction, right?
    No, there are a few restrictions. Let's put it this way : By accessing this directory, you are accessing a professional environment, and it is therefore critical to respect a few important rules : Qualify the artist you want to propose to, make sure this is a perfect match in regards to the genre, style, mood and age of the targeted artist. Communication must be courteous, respectful and without familiarity. Since you are submitting unsolicited material, please don't force the responses, we suggest that you follow up once, then "let go" if no reply. It may come later on, or not, but please don't push further. ANTI-SPAM AN ANTI MAILING LIST POLICY : It is strictly forbidden to create email lists from this directory to advertise for resale. Our information are traceable. If we observe such actions or in the event of a complaint from an Artist Manager concerning inappropriate behavior, and mass spamming, Pitch Music Center will immediately suppress the member's subscription without further notice, there won't be any reimbursement and the offender would expose himself to legal proceedings.
  • I'm about to pitch for the first time, what do i need to know ?
    Here are 3 important tips: 1- Be sure to only submit material that match the artist's format, genre, style. Make sure that the lyrics, if any, relate the age of the artist ​ 2- Attention : No "fragile" voices on your demo please. Advising or warning that "the demo is not great" and sending it anyway is not acceptable. Only great voices please. Restrain from sending until it is fixed or improved. 3- Please send only decent mix of you material. ​ Always ask yourself : ​ "I won't make twice a first impression I proud about this material?"​ If not, please fix or improve your production.
  • How to introduce myself to the artist managers ?
    We are frequently teaching our members on how to initiate the contact and how to communicate properly, sharing tips and letter formats to increase their chances to get the attention and feed-back. ​ Make it simple, nice, courteous, nicely explained and as brief as possible. Here is an example you may use : ​ "Subject : Song pitching / submission for (Artist name) Good morning, my name is.... I'm an indie producer / songwriter /lyricist located in... ​ I understand that you are the official Manager of (artist name). I am reaching out to introduce myself and submit a relevant production for your review/ publishing/song pitching. (Name of the artist) means a lot to me, I am a fan and I have always been inspired by him/her as a Songwriter (or performer). ​ Obviously my songwriting/lyrics/productions are matching the same style, genre and audience... with a different signature though. This is why I figured you might be interested in exploring my repertoire, especially this song I am sharing with both of you today. (Title of the song/track : xxx) ​ "Momentum" : "The best moment to" spark an opportunity from scratch when nobody is expecting you is !". ​ I know that this is a spontaneous and unsolicited material submission, so I thank you for considering it anyway. Hopefully you will find value in it. In the perspective of a song pitching to (name of the artist), I won't share it anywhere else, keeping it confidential and exclusive for you (during, let's say 15 days) until I know if you want to use it. Of course I am flexible and open to re-work any aspect of this lyrics/production if needed. I look forward to your response. Have a beautiful day xxxx" ​​ You can moderately personalize this message but we suggest you keep the format and the tone of it... the value is in the mindset here. ​
  • What kind of response can I expect when I send in my material?
    First let us say something important : ​ Be convinced once for all that music professionals listen to everything they receive. This is their job, how could it be otherwise ? ​ This said, about getting a response or not your proposal, this is a no rule zone here... Let's say, if your material is amazing, and matches the artistic vision of the next production and if the momentum is right, well, guess what.. check you telephone, they are probably trying to call you right now. The rest of the time, "no news = no news" If after 3 to 10 days you have not heard back, you can send a simple and friendly reminder asking if they have received your proposal and that you look forward to their feed back, but then STOP reminding them, unless you have received a clear sign of interest in return or the promise to check you material and respond later on. ​​​ There are many reason not to reply, even when they like your material. For example, a song can be reserved for later production, and you won't know it... because it's not the right time to sign off on a repertoire etc.. ​ In short : Do your home work, check the news of the artist, always providing the right material to the right people, follow up once and work on the next proposal. ​ No waiting... just keep on moving forward. ​
  • Can we introduce ourselves on the behalf of Pitch music center ?
    NO - It is not authorized. Since we don't screen and send your material, Pitch Music Center does not represent or refer anybody to anyone. If you need to delegate and you need publishing services, we have a solution though. Go to the Membership page and suscribe to CHECK WITH MY AGENT. Click here.

David S.

Songwriter, Valence, France

"Pitch Music Center has contacts everywhere, this artist address book is impressive."

Debbie E.

Songwriter, New York

"more than a directory, it comes with valuable advices, this is an excellent initiative... and nice people too!..."

Roger B.

Beatmaker, Atlanta

"Man.. so exited about that tool. There is world of new opportunities here..."

Enrico D.

Performer, Indie artist, Milano, Italy

"...thank G - I found you..."


Producer, Belgium

"Now, that's a smart tool.."


KR Recording Magazine, Paris, France

A unique tool for songwriters and producers, very useful indeed.

Sean G., Los Angeles, USA.

Pianist & songwriter

"...all producers and songwriters should have it on hand."


Journalist, manager & coach

/ GL Connection, Paris

PMC/AMD is a tool and an accelerator, a force of proposal. I would dare to say a “missing link”. In any case, a beneficial initiative in a rapidly changing musical sector, at a time when the value of the work is being questioned and the future of creation is being questioned.

David S.

Songwriter, Valence, France

"Pitch Music Center has contacts everywhere. This artist's address book is impressive."

Debbie E.

Songwriter, New York

"More than a directory, it comes with valuable advice. This is an excellent initiative... and nice people too!"

Roger B.

Beatmaker, Atlanta

"Man... so excited about that tool. There is a world of new opportunities here..."

Enrico D.

Performer, Indie artist, Milano, Italy

"...thank G - I found you..."


Producer, Belgium

"Now, that's a smart tool."


KR Recording Magazine, Paris, France

A unique tool for songwriters and producers, very useful indeed.

Sean G., Los Angeles, USA.

Pianist & songwriter

"...all producers and songwriters should have it on hand."


Journalist, manager & coach

/ GL Connection, Paris

Pitch Music Center is a tool and an accelerator, a force of proposal. I would dare to say a “missing link”. In any case, a beneficial initiative in a rapidly changing musical sector, at a time when the value of the work is being questioned and the future of creation is being questioned.

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