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Manager / Agent contact : Reserved to members

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Type of contact : Manager/Agent

Instructions : Your material is not yet expected at this point, so you must carefully review the following recommendations before sending anything. 

1- Please make sure that your material matches the known and expected format, genre, style and mood of the artist. If any, lyrics must match the age of the performer.

2- For songs, only "great" voices must feature, even on demo formats.

3- Please submit productions mixed, mastered and copyright protected.

4- Always introduce yourself and write a courteous note explaining why you wish to submit your material. Always sign with your full adress and contact.

5- Never send more than three proposals - Only URL link(s) - NO ATTACHEMENT.

6- Don't follow up or re-send more than once if there is no response from the manager.

Once you fulfill the above conditions, you may submit your material.

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